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Authored Books

Elizabeth A Lange (2023). Transformative Sustainability Education. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge/Earthscan. [Link To Order]


This book lays out the principles and practices of transformative sustainability education using a relational way of thinking and being.


Elizabeth A. Lange advocates for a new approach to environmental and sustainability education, that of rethinking the Western way of knowing and being and engendering a frank discussion about the societal elements that are generating climate, environmental, economic, and social issues. Highlighting the importance of Indigenous and life-giving cultures, the book covers educational theory, transformation stories of adult learners, social and economic critique, and visions of changemakers. Each chapter also has a strong pedagogical element, with entry points for learners and embodied practices and examples of taking action at micro/meso/macro levels woven throughout. Overall, this book enacts a relational approach to transformative sustainability education that draws from post humanist theory, process thought, relational ontology, decolonization theory, Indigenous philosophy, and a spirituality that builds a sense of sacred towards the living world.


Written in an imaginative, storytelling manner, this book will be a great resource for formal and nonformal environmental and sustainability educators.


KEYWORD TAGS: transformative sustainability education; environmental education; sustainability education; environmental and sustainability education (ESE); Relationality; decolonization; spirituality; transformative learning; social change; learning commons; commoning; Western way of knowing, Indigenous way of knowing, life-giving cultures; process thought; adult education; nonformal education; epochal shift; education for epochal shift; Great Transformation; international development; climate justice movement; education for sustainable development; deep transformation; postsustainability; Great Work; reclaiming education; reimagining our future; matristic cultures; sustainable societies; social imaginaries; educational imaginaries



In Convergence An International Journal of Adult Education by Shirley Walters:
In Journal of Transformative Education by Steven Hodge:
In Environmental Education Research by Stephen Sterling:
In Adult Education Quarterly by Robert VanWynsberghe:
In Canadian Journal of Education by Patrick Howard:

In International Journal of Lifelong Education by Shirley Walters:

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Bruce Spencer & Elizabeth Lange (2014). The Purposes of Adult Education: A Short Introduction, 3rd Edition. Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publishing. 


The Purposes of Adult Education introduces adult education to students who may have had some experience in the field but are new to its study. This edition substantially updates and expands on the previous education, especially in relation to the social foundations of adult education, education for diversity, globalization, and the fast-moving technologies that are shaping the content and delivery of adult education today. 

This new edition is intended as a complement to Building on Critical Traditions: Adult Education and Learning in Canada, edited by Tom Nesbit, Susan Brigham, Nancy Taber and Tara Gibb (2013), or Adult Education and Lifelong Learning in Canada: Advancing a Critical Legacy edited by Susan Brigham, Robert McGray, and Kaela Jubas (2021) and published in association with the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE). 



KEYWORD TAGS: adult education; philosophies of adult education; sociology of adult education, history of adult education; workplace learning; knowledge economy, perspective transformation, education for social transformation; social movement; feminist education; anti-racist education; postcolonial education; labour education; distance education; social welfare state; neoliberalism and adult education; purposes of adult education

Guest Journal Editor
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Tiffany Prete & Elizabeth A Lange (Eds.) (July/August 2021). Indigenous Voices and Decolonizing Lifelong Education. International Journal of Lifelong education, Vol. 40, No. 4. 

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Elizabeth Lange & Joy Kcenia Polanco O'Neil (Eds.) (October 2018). Transformative Sustainability Education. Journal of Transformative Education, Vol. 16, No. 4. 

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Shibao Guo & Elizabeth Lange (Eds.) (Summer 2015). Transnational Migration, Social Inclusion and Adult Education (pp. 1-5). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 146. 

Jennifer Kelly, Lynette Shultz, Cora Weber-Pillwax with Elizabeth Lange (Fall 2009). Expanding Knowledge Systems in Teacher Education. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 55, No. 3.

Scholarly Articles and Book Chapters

Publications are NOT cross-listed, please  check all categories for related topics.

On Transformative Sustainability Education:


Lange, E.A. (2024). Composting Modernity: Pedagogical Practices for Emplacing Ourselves Within the Living World. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 15(3): 239-259.


Jardine, E. and Lange, E. (2024). Childhood Attunements to Nature Impact Adult Behavioural Patterns: The Important of "Other-than-Human" Attachments. European Journal of Ecopsychology 9: 48-83.


Lange, E.A. (2022). Living Transformation: The Alchemy of Change in an Epochal Shift. In A. Nicolaides, S. Eschenbacher, P. Buergelt, Y. Gilpin-Jackson, M. Welch and M. Misawa, The Palgrave Handbook on Learning for Transformation. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 733-749.


Lange, E.A., Polanco-O’Neil, J. Kcenia, Ross, K. (2021). Educating during the Great Transformation: Relational Approaches and Transformative Sustainability Education. Studies in Adult Education and Learning, 27(1): 23-46. DOI:


Lange, E.A. (2019). Transformative Learning for Sustainability. In W. Leal Filho (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education. Switzerland: Springer Nature. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63951-2_104-1


Lange, E. A. (2018). Transforming Transformative Learning through Ontologies of Relationality. Journal of Transformative Education, 16(4): 280-301. DOI: 10.1177/1541344618786452


Lange, E. A. (2018). Transformative sustainability education: From sustainababble to a civilization leap. In Milana, M., Webb, S., Holford, J., Waller, R. & Jarvis, P. (Eds.) The Palgrave International Handbook of Adult and Lifelong Education and Learning (397-420). Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan.


Lange, E. A. (2017).  Riverspeaking: The spiralling of transformative and restorative learning toward kinship ethics. In P.B Corcoran, J. Weakland & A. Wals (Eds.), Envisioning futures for environmental and sustainability education (33-43). Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. DOI: 10.39201978-90-8686-846-9_1

Lange, E. A. (2017). Belonging and place: The earth runs through it. In J. Gough, D. Massing, & E. Spencer, (Eds.). Social Work Ethics: Progressive, Practical and Relational Approaches (282-297). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.

Lange, E. (2015). The Ecology of Transformative Learning: Transdisciplinary Provocations. Journal of Transformative Learning, 3(1), 28-34.


Lange, E. & Kerr, S. (2013). Accounting and Incentives for Sustainability in Higher Education: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of a Needed Revolution. Social Responsibility Journal, 9(3), 210-219. doi: 10.1108/SRJ-08-2011-0058


Lange, E. A. (2013). Interrogating Transformative Learning Theory: Canadian Contributions. In T. Nesbit, S. Brigham, T. Gibb, & N. Taber (Eds.). Building on Critical Traditions: Adult Education and Learning in Canada (pp. 91-102). Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publishing.

Lange, E.  (2012). Is Freirean Transformative Learning the Trojan Horse of Globalization and Enemy of Sustainability Education?: A Response to C.A Bowers. Journal of Transformative Education, 10(1), 3-21. doi: 10.1177/1541344612453880

Lange, E.A. (2012). Transforming Transformative Learning through Sustainability and the New Science. In E. Taylor, P. Cranton and Associates (Eds.), The Handbook of Transformative Learning (pp. 195-211). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.


Kerr, S. & Lange, E. (2011). Using Accounting Reform to Stimulate Sustainability Practices in Higher Education: A Sociological Analysis of Financial Storytelling. Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 7(2), 109-116.


Lange, E.A. (2010). Environmental Adult Education: A Many-Voiced Landscape. In C. Kasworm, A. Rose, and J. Ross-Gordon (Eds.), Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education (pp. 305-315). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Lange, E.A. (2009). Fostering a Learning Sanctuary for Transformation in Adult Sustainability Education. In J. Mezirow and E. Taylor (Eds.), Transformative Learning in Practice (pp. 193-204). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.


Lange, E.A. (2009). Reconceptualizing Participatory Action Research for Sustainability Education. In D. Kapoor and S. Jordan (Eds.), Education, Participatory Action Research and Social Change (pp. 123-136). New York: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.


Lange, E.A. & Chubb, A. (2009). Critical Environmental Adult Education in Canada: Student Environmental Activism. In P. Cranton and L. English (Eds.), Reaching Out Across the Border: Canadian Perspectives in Adult Education (pp. 61-72). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 124. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


Lange, E.A. & Fenwick, T. (2008). Moral Commitments to Community: Mapping Social Responsibility and its Ambiguities among Small Business Owners. Social Responsibility Journal: Ethics & Morality in Business Practice.  4(1/2), 41-55. doi: 10.1108/17471110810856820


Lange, E.A. (2007). “Martyrs” and “Spectators”: Transformative Theological Learning through International Travel Seminars. Journal of Adult Theological Education, 4.1, pp. 74-92. doi: 10.1558/jate2007v4i1.74

Lange, E. A. (2004). Transformative and Restorative Learning: A Vital Dialectic for Sustainable Societies. Adult Education Quarterly, 54(2), 121-139. doi: 10.1177/071713603260276


Lange, E.A. (2004). “Out of Bounds:” Reflecting on Sustainability Education for Adults, Adult Learning, (Special issue edited by Lilian Hill and Darlene Clover), May: 7-9.

On Social Justice Education:


Lange, E. & Young, S. (2019). Gender-based Violence as Difficult Knowledge: Pedagogies for Rebalancing the Masculine and Feminine. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(3): 301-326. DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2019.1597932


Lange, E. A. & Solarz, B. (2016). Re-narrating a moral self in a neoliberal context: Transformative Learning for Re-Building Social Solidarities. Adult Education, 1(2): 12-17.

Lange, E. A. (2015). A vision of flipping the iceberg of power: The Greater Edmonton Alliance faces Big Land and Big Oil. In A. Mathie & J. Gaventa (Eds.) Citizen-led innovation for a new economy (74-101). Halifax, NS: Fernwood Press.

Lange, E., Chovanec, D., Cardinal, T., Kajner, T. & Smith Acuna, N. (2015). Wounded Learners: Symbolic violence, educational justice, and re-engagement of low-income adults. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 27(3), 83-104.

Lange, E. (2015). (Re)Igniting a Sociological Imagination in Adult Education: The Relevance of Classical Theory. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 34(5), 491-513. doi: 10.1080/02601370.2015.1028574

Chovanec, D., Lange, E., & Ellis, L. (2008). Social Movement Learning: A Catalyst for Action. In M. Hammond-Callaghan and M. Hayday (Eds.), Mobilizations, Protests, and Engagements: Canadian Perspectives on Social Movements (pp. 186-201). Halifax, NS: Fernwood Publishing.


Chovanec, D. M. & Lange, E. A. (2007). Formative, Restorative, and Transformative Learning: Insights into the critical consciousness of social activists. In L. Servage & T. Fenwick, (Eds.) Proceedings of the Joint 26thAnnual National Conference of Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE) and 48th Annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC) (pp. 133-138). Halifax, NS: Mount Saint Vincent University.

Lange, E.A. (2007). “Martyrs” and “Spectators”: Transformative Theological Learning through International Travel Seminars. Journal of Adult Theological Education, 4.1, pp. 74-92.  doi: 10.1558/jate2007v4i1.74

Lange, E. A. (1998). Fragmented Ethics of Justice: Freire, Liberation Theology and Pedagogies for the Non-Poor. Convergence, XXXI(1-2), 81-94.

Carson, T. R. & Lange E. A. (1997). Peace Education in Social Studies. In I. Wright and A. Sears (Eds.), Trends & Issues in Canadian Social Studies (pp. 208-225). Vancouver, BC: Pacific Educational Press.

Lange Christensen, E. (1996). Evoking a Global Consciousness: Teacher Professional Development and Global Education. In H. Reno & M. Witte (Eds.) Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference Adult Education Research Conference (AERC) (pp. 61-66). Tampa, FL: University of South Florida.

Carson, T. R. & Lange E. A. (1996). Signs of Peace Education in Canada. Journal of Peace & Gandhian Studies, 1(4), 49-62.

Lange, E. & Young, S. (2019). 

On Transcultural Relations and Education:


Weber-Pillwax, C., Louis, C., and Lange, E. (2024). Editorial - Indigenous Women Speak. Convergence An International Adult Education Journal, 45(2), pp. 145-163.


Lange, E. (2015). Transformative Learning and Concepts of the Self: Insights from Immigrant and Intercultural Journeys. In International Journal of Lifelong Education. doi: 10.1080/02601370.2015.1036944

Lange, E. A. & Baillie Abidi, C. (2015). Rethinking Social Justice and Adult Education for Welcoming, Inclusive Communities. In S.
Guo and E. Lange (Eds.), Transnational Migration, Social Inclusion and Adult Education (pp. 99-109). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 146. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Brigham, S., Baillie Abidi, C., Tastsoglou, E. & Lange, E. (2015). Informal Adult Learning and Emotion work of Service Providers for Refugee Claimants. In S. Guo and E. Lange (Eds.), Transnational Migration, Social Inclusion and Adult Education (pp. 29-40). New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 146. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Tastsoglou, E., Baillie Abidi, C., Brigham, S. & Lange, E. (2014). (En)Gendering Vulnerability: Immigrant Service Providers’ Perceptions of Needs, Policies and Practices Related to Gender and Women Refugee Claimants in Atlantic Canada. Refuge, 30(2): 67-78.

On Adult Education and Learning:


Lange, E. (2024). The Polycrisis and Adult Education Futures: The Transformative Work of Relationality. Convergence, 45(1): 61-79. or


Lange, E. (2025). A Transition Imagination for Higher Education Leaders: Toward Relationality. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Ethics of Care in Transformative Leadership in Higher Education edited by Mary Drinkwater, Yusef Waghid, and Patrick Deane. Bloomsbury, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.


Lange, E. (2020). Western and (Re)Emerging Philosophies in Adult Education. In S. Brigham, R. McGray and K. Jubas (Eds.), Adult education and lifelong learning in Canada: Critical Legacy. Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publishing. 


Kevany, K., Lange, E.A., Cocek, C., & Baillie Abidi, C. (2012). Online graduate programs and intellectual isolation: Fostering technology-mediated inter-professional learning communities. In V. Wang (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Technologies for Improving the 21st Century Workforce: Tools for Lifelong Learning (pp. 302-321). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Doi: 10.401819781-46662181-7


Lange, E., Philosophobia. In J. Groen & C. Kawalilak (Eds.) (2014). Pathways of Adult Learning. Toronto, ON: Canadian

Scholars Press.


Wright, L., Lange, E., & Da Costa, J. (2009). Facilitating adult learning and a researcher identity through a higher education pedagogical process. US-China Education Review, 6(11), 1-16.


Lange, E.A. (2006). Challenging Social Philosophobia. In T. Fenwick, T. Nesbit, and B. Spencer (Eds.), Contexts of Adult Education (pp. 92-104). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.


Fenwick, T. & Lange, E. (1998). Spirituality in the Workplace: The New Frontier of HRD. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 12(1), 63-87.

Other Scholar Contributions

PIMA Network - ​Promoting, Interrogating, and Mobilising Adult Learning and Education 

Member Contributions to PIMA Bulletins:


E. Lange, Ancestors for a Time to Come: Living into the Wheel of Deep Time, Bulletin 52, January 2025

E. Lange, A Transition Imagination toward Relationality, Bulletin 46, January 2023

E. Lange, Climate Challenges: Cities and Towns Getting the Job Done, Bulletin 39, November 2021

E. Lange, Defending Life: The Importance of Civil Disobedience, Bulletin 38, September 2021


Editorial Positions

  • Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 2016-

  • Consulting Editor, Journal of Transformative Education, 2014-

  • Consulting Editor, Journal of Transformative Learning, 2014-

  • Associate Editor, Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 2010–2020

  • Consulting Editorial Board, Adult Education Quarterly, 2009-2011

Book Reviews

(2024). Book Review of Teaching Where you Are: Weaving Indigenous and Slow Principles and Pedagogies by S. Leddy and L. Miller. Convergence An International Adult Education Journal, 45(2), pp. 295-298.


(2012). Book Review of The Adult Learner (7th edition) by M. Knowles, M. Holton, & R. Swanson. Studies in the Education of Adults, 44(2), 245-247.


(2009). Book Review of A Fair Country: Telling Truths About Canada by John Ralston Saul. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 55(3), 428-431.


(2008). Book Review of Learning Outside the Academy: International Research Perspectives on Lifelong Learning edited by Edwards, R, Gallacher, J. & Whittaker, S. Studies in the Education of Adults, 40, 130-132.


(2002). Book Review of Popular Education and Social Change in Latin

America by Liam Kane. Adult Education Quarterly, 52(4), 319-321.


(2001). Book Review of Gramsci, Freire and Adult Education: Possibilities for Transformative Action by Peter Mayo. International Review of Education, Hamburg: UNESCO Institute of Education, 47(3-4), 395-403.


Journal Reviewer

  • Adult Education Quarterly

  • RELA - European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults

  • International Journal for Lifelong Education

  • Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education

  • Journal of Transformative Education

  • International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

  • Frontiers in Sustainability

  • Journal of Transformative Learning

  • International Journal for Innovation and Sustainable Development

  • Journal for Adult Theological Education

  • Cities and the Environment

  • Alberta Journal for Educational Research


Conference Paper Reviewer

  • SociNet - Network for the Sociology of Education (Canada)

  • Canadian Association for the Foundations of Education (CAFÉ)

  • Canadian Association for the Study of Education (CASAE)

  • International Conference on Transformative Learning


Authored Books
Scholarly Articles and Book Chapters
Guest Journal Editor
Other Scholar Contributions
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin

I acknowledge the law of hospitality that originally greeted newcomers to Turtle Island. I was born and raised on the Indigenous land of the Plains Cree who call themselves Nêhiyawak, or the “four direction people,” says Elder Jimmy O’Chiese. Given this, I am a participant in Treaty 6.


I honour this Land and her peoples and aim to be truthful about colonization and our settler impacts.  I am working to help honour the terms of good will and co-existence intended by these treaties, as a practice of decolonization and reconciliation.


I am now privileged to live on the unceded Indigenous land of the Coast Salish peoples, including the SC’IANEW, Malahat, Songhees, Esquimalt, and T’Sou-ke. I support the current negotiations for the Te’mexw Treaty, that we may live into the future through right relations.


I humbly acknowledge that the Earth supports all Life through Her generosity and abundance. I am working hard to honour the Original Agreements between the Land and Indigenous peoples, learning to live in harmony and balance, and engage in restorative practices where damage has been done.  


Dr. Lange has 40 years of experience as an educator and facilitator of transformative, sustainability, and climate learning, both in formal (K-12; higher education) and nonformal contexts (community adult education). 


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