Research Reports | Media Coverage of Research | Research Projects​ | Peer Acknowledgements and Awards
Research Reports
Baillie Abidi, C., Tastsoglou, E., Brigham, S., & Lange, E. (2013, March). Refugee Claimant Service Providers: Negotiating Shifting Policies, Practices and Perceptions in Atlantic Canada. Halifax, NS: Atlantic Metropolis Working Paper.
Lange, E. & MacDonald, D. (2012, July). Sustainability Strategies for StFX. Report to StFX Facilities and Management, No. 1: Waste Streaming. Antigonish, NS: StFX University.
Lange, E., Vogels, P. & Jamal, Z. (2011, September). Learning a Language, Learning the Land: Newcomers, Parks, and Language Learning Research and Evaluation Report. Report to Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association; Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation; Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers; City of Edmonton, Natural Areas Conservation; and Mountain Equipment Co-op.
Chovanec, D. & Lange, E. (2010, January). Learning Needs Assessment for Low-Income Adult Populations (Summary Report).
Report to Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association (ECALA) and NorQuest College.
Chovanec, D. & Lange, E. (2009, November). Maximizing Access to Learning for Marginalized Adults in Edmonton (Technical Report). Report to Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association (ECALA) and NorQuest College.
Sustainability Working Group, co-chairs E. Lange & S. Barker. (2009, April). 2008 Sustainability Audit, Observational Baseline Assessment, University of Alberta, Faculty of Education. Report to Faculty of Education, University of Alberta.
Multicultural Health Brokers, Nutter, M. & Lange, E. (2006, January). Final Report: A Hero’s Journey: A Handbook for Facilitators of Multicultural Parenting. Report to Edmonton Adult Learning Association (ECALA).
Lange Christensen, E. (1995, March). Aspiring Toward Transformation: A Study of Alberta Teachers and Global Education.
Report to the Alberta Global Education Project of the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the University of Alberta.
Lange Christensen, E . (1990, February). Focus Groups: A Proposal for the School Achievement Indicators Program. Report to Alberta Education and the Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC), Edmonton, Alberta.
Lange Christensen, E . (1989, April). Student Achievement Indicators in Canada. Report to the Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC), Toronto, Ontario.
Superina, S. (2012). A Natural Connection (Profile of research Learning a Language, Learning the Land). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Geographic, April.
Mousseau, L. (2012). Connect to Nature to Grow Canadian Roots (Profile of research Learning a Language, Learning the Land). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Immigrant, August.
MacKenzie, C. (2012). Study reveals parks have role to play in immigration. Antigonish, ON: StFX Today.
Principal Investigator, 2010-2015. Kitchen Table Green Economics. Funded by the Nova Scotia Rural Communities Foundation and the Centre for Regional Studies (CRS). Partners: Nova Scotia Ecology Centre and Sustainable Antigonish Leadership Team. The project revives the “kitchen table economics” study clubs of the Antigonish movement, where rural community members gathered in homes to learn about and act on local issues for the greater good, in this case the green economy.
Antigonish as a Leading Sustainable Community: Tracing the Learning Journey Toward Community Transformation. Funded by Centre for Regional Studies (CRS) and SSHRC Institutional Grant (SIG), St. Francis Xavier University. This project is exploring the community dynamics and learning processes that impact the implementation of sustainability initiatives in a small Maritime community.
Co-Investigator, 2012-2013. Citizen-driven development and social innovation in North America (my case study is the Greater Edmonton Alliance). Anonymous Funder. This project will identify the common factors among 10 case studies exploring how social innovation initiated by local citizens has been able to scale-out and have wide impact, stimulating ideas for the urban and rural revitalization among policy makers and practitioners across the continent. Interviews completed.
Co-Investigator, 2012-2014. Building a St.FX Knowledge Network and Regional Community Capacity for Atlantic Rural Sustainability. Funded by the Centre for Regional Studies (SSHRC). This grant was for a workshop series to build the Sustainability Research Cluster and knowledge network on sustainability at StFX.
Co-Investigator, 2011-2012. Health Equity for Refugee Claimants: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Policies and Practices in Atlantic Canada. Funded by the Atlantic Metropolis Centre. This project investigated the uneven access that refugee claimants have to social and educational services in Atlantic Canada and the barriers posed by both policies and practices for settlement and integration.
Collaborator, 2010-2012. Social-Emotional Capacities in a Multicultural Context. Grant from Norlien Foundation and Women and Children's Health Research Institute (WCHRI). Numerous community collaborators. This project explored the capacities necessary for successful immigrant integration and the learning processes that assist the integration of adults.
Co-investigator, 2010-2012. Reducing the Distance in Distance Education: An Empirical Review of Peer Relations as Learning Sites. Funded by St. Francis Xavier University Council for Research (UCR). This study explored the significance of online peer relations as a learning site and the contribution to graduate learning and program completion.
Co-investigator. 2010-2011. Learning Language, Learning the Land: A Study of Integrating Language Literacy and Environmental Literacy. Grant from Miquelon Lake Pilot Partnership Project – Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association, Alberta Parks, City of Edmonton, Mennonite Newcomer Centre, and Mountain Equipment Coop. This project explored the language and environmental learning of newcomers in a parks context, the intercultural learning of parks staff and the interprofessional learning of language teachers.
Co-investigator. 2009-2011. Knowledge Creation Practices of Older Professional: A cultural-historical exploration of expansive learning in changing work environments. SSHRC Standard Grant. Multi-site national project; responsibility for social worker site. This project investigated the impact of the new economy on the structure of professional work and professional learning.
Co-investigator. 2009-2010. Learning Needs Assessment for Low-Income Adult Populations, City of Edmonton. Grant from Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association (ECALA) and NorQuest College. The project explored barriers to participation in adult education of low-income populations.
Principal Investigator, 2008-2009. Learning our Way into Sustainability: Baseline Assessment for Greening the Faculty of Education. Grant from University of Alberta’s Endowment Fund for the Future - Support for the Advancement of Scholarship; Faculty of Education Grant of University of Alberta. This project explored the learning processes and barriers to implementing sustainability in a campus context. Sustainability audit presented to Faculty.
Principal Investigator. 2007-2008. Environmental Adult Education in Canada: State of the Field. Grant from University of Alberta’s Endowment Fund for the Future - Support for the Advancement of Scholarship; Faculty of Education Grant of University of Alberta; Canada Summer Jobs Program of HRSDC; Summer Temporary Employment Program of Government of Alberta. The research completed a literature review tracing the history of environmental/sustainability education, initial work on theoretical approaches and mapping entry points and typology of approaches for adult learning.
Collaborator. 2004-2007. Learning Social Responsibility in Self-Employment: A Collaborative Exploration of Expansive Learning in Practice-Based Networks. SSHRC Standard Grant. This action research project explored social responsibility learning among small business owners in Vancouver and Edmonton.
Principal investigator. 2004-2008, 1998-2004. Transformative Learning and Sustainability Education for Revitalizing Citizen Action (longitudinal study). 2004-2008 Grant from Internal Research Fund of Concordia University College, Environment Canada, Health Canada, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation and Mountain Equipment Co-op. This project explored the potential of critical transformative learning for revitalizing citizen action, particularly lifestyle changes and civic action toward a sustainable society.
Action Research Consultant, 2005-2006. Community Development Liaison Team, Region 6 Alberta Children and Family Services. Transformative Learning for Social Workers in Bi-Cultural Settings. Grant from Community Partnership Enhancement Fund. This action research project was to build capacity for participatory and transformative learning among social workers engaged with newcomer immigrant and refugee communities.
Action Research Consultant, 2004-2005. Multicultural Health Brokers. Implementing Transformative Learning for Bi-Cultural Parenting Curriculum, from the Edmonton Community Adult Learning Association (ECALA). Final Report: A Hero’s Journey: A Handbook for Facilitators of Multicultural Parenting. This project built capacity for participatory and transformative learning among immigrant facilitators for use in bi-cultural parenting education programs for newcomers.
Action Research Consultant, 1997-1999. Learning Network - East Central Consortia. Action Research for Teacher Professional Development. Purpose was to educate teachers about action research, to improve their professional practice.
Action Research Consultant, 1994-1995. Alberta Teachers' Association. Alberta Global Education Project. This project examined and evaluated the educational processes of the Global Education Project and their impact on teacher thinking and practice. Final Report - Aspiring to Transformation: A Study of Alberta Teachers and Global Education.
Media Coverage of Research
Research Projects​
Peer Acknowledgements and Awards
State of the Field Report: Social Movement Learning (May 2006) edited by Budd Hall and Thomas Turay, Vancouver: University of British Columbia. Acknowledged as one of only two Canadian researchers working on environmental adult education and only one of six researchers using participatory action research for research on sustainability learning and citizen engagement.
Awarded the North American Graduate Research Award, 37th Adult Education Research Conference, Florida,1996
Nominated and shortlisted for Faculty of Education Phi Delta Kappa Dissertation Award, 2001
Awarded the Province of Alberta Graduate Fellowship, University of Alberta, 1998-9
Awarded the FJC Seymour Fellowship in Education, Alberta Teachers’ Association, 1996