Oct 8, 20228 min read
Food Fights and Forgotten Respect
There is an ancient Zuni tale that has been passed down for generations by their storytellers. It was first published in 1884 but I...

Aug 24, 20227 min read
Talking Trees
A fellow educator, Dr. Betsy Jardine, gently guides me through a breathing exercise, a free word association, and then an early nature...

Dec 3, 20218 min read
Shimmering Salmon: Learning Balance
November 2021 In late fall, the main run of the shimmering salmon here in the Canadian Pacific Northwest is almost over. The salmon began...

Oct 26, 20218 min read
Gathering Seeds for a Livable Future
After a dry and fiery summer, the birds are now migrating, and the rains have returned here in the Canadian Pacific Northwest. The...

Aug 20, 202115 min read
Defending Life: The Importance of Civil Disobedience
Old-growth Trees. Their ancientness, embodied knowledge, and powerful presence elicits profound reverence. Walking in the forests of...

May 31, 20213 min read
Help save Iconic Old-Growth Forest in Pacific Northwest
Please help us save iconic Old-growth Forest in the Pacific Northwest of Canada! Help us call for an immediate moratorium on logging in...

May 13, 20219 min read
Moon Gardening: Building Food and Seed Security
In this Leaf Unfurling Moon, we see the surge of vitality all around us. It is as if the fresh, new green tentatively sniffs the air and...

Jan 29, 20217 min read
Storytelling Moon - Wisdom Stories
During the Storytelling Moon— the depths of the cold time here in the Northern Hemisphere—is a time of refreshment and renewal by reading...

Dec 31, 20205 min read
The Thirteenth Moon: On Ritual
Full moon energy has been present over Dec. 28, 29, and 30…the thirteenth full moon of this year. A thirteenth moon is special, only...

Dec 21, 20207 min read
Gifting Economies
During December, the Gifting Moon, we turn our minds to the act of gifting. We give gifts for so many reasons—out of simple gratitude and...