Mar 19, 20245 min read
Sacred Earth
Spring or vernal equinox has arrived! After a long winter in the Northern Hemisphere, there has been a slow stirring over the last month...

Jan 3, 20249 min read
Renewal, Winter Solstice, and the New Year Dilemma
For a few days at this turning of the year, greetings abound…and so I wish you all a Happy New Year! Interestingly, January 1st has not...

Jun 21, 20238 min read
Sacred Air: The Primordial Breath of Life
There are summer moments in the big sky Canadian plains, where the trees are eerily still, just before a storm. It seems that all life is...

Apr 1, 20238 min read
Sacred Water, Healing Ocean
The primordial womb of life on Earth has been the Ocean. She is our Great Grandmother. We owe her our deepest gratitude—for out of her...

Feb 9, 20236 min read
Sacred Fire and Marmots: Waking Up
It is very early spring here in the Pacific Northwest of Canada…the snowdrops have just unfurled, daffodils are tentatively showing their...

Jan 9, 20238 min read
Repairing our Relations with the Living World
Here on the Pacific Northwest coast of North America, the WSANEC (Saanich) People call this time of year, the Moon of the Child, as it is...